Breaking news
  • 07/02Embraer takes backlog to $26.3 Bn record
  • 06/02First six Mirage 2000-5 fighters arrive in Ukraine to reinforce the nine F-16s already in use with the Ukraine air force
  • 05/02Daher plans to start assembling TBM aircraft at its new Florida campus in 2027
  • 05/02Flexjet has signed a $7 Bn purchase agreement with Embraer covering the Brazilian Praetor 600, Praetor 500 and Phenom 300E business jets
  • 05/02French army receives its 63th and final NH90 Caiman in TTH utility standard
  • 04/02SpaceX Falcon 9 launches third pair of Maxar’s WorldVIEW Legion 30-centimeter resolution imaging satellites
  • 04/02Safran seals certification for ENGINeUS 100 electric motor
  • 02/02Japan launches Michibiki 6 navigation satellite with 5th MHI H3 rocket
  • 01/02Learjet 55 crashes after departing Philadelphia
  • 01/02Spirit AeroSystems stockholders approve Boeing acquisition plan
  • 30/01PSA CRJ700 hit by US Army Black Hawk as it aligned with approach to Washington National causing 67 deaths
  • 29/01India’s 1st launch of 2025 sends NVS-02 navigation satellite into orbit
  • 29/01South Sudanese crash of a chartered Beech 1900D crash has resulted in 20 fatalities, with a single survivor
  • 29/01In-flight malfunction caused F-35 12th crash during Alaska training flight
  • 29/01A PSA Airlines CRJ-700 collided with US Army H60 helicopter in Washington DC landing at Reagan Airport, killing 67
  • 07/02Embraer takes backlog to $26.3 Bn record
  • 06/02First six Mirage 2000-5 fighters arrive in Ukraine to reinforce the nine F-16s already in use with the Ukraine air force
  • 05/02Daher plans to start assembling TBM aircraft at its new Florida campus in 2027
  • 05/02Flexjet has signed a $7 Bn purchase agreement with Embraer covering the Brazilian Praetor 600, Praetor 500 and Phenom 300E business jets
  • 05/02French army receives its 63th and final NH90 Caiman in TTH utility standard
  • 04/02SpaceX Falcon 9 launches third pair of Maxar’s WorldVIEW Legion 30-centimeter resolution imaging satellites
  • 04/02Safran seals certification for ENGINeUS 100 electric motor
  • 02/02Japan launches Michibiki 6 navigation satellite with 5th MHI H3 rocket
  • 01/02Learjet 55 crashes after departing Philadelphia
  • 01/02Spirit AeroSystems stockholders approve Boeing acquisition plan
  • 30/01PSA CRJ700 hit by US Army Black Hawk as it aligned with approach to Washington National causing 67 deaths
  • 29/01India’s 1st launch of 2025 sends NVS-02 navigation satellite into orbit
  • 29/01South Sudanese crash of a chartered Beech 1900D crash has resulted in 20 fatalities, with a single survivor
  • 29/01In-flight malfunction caused F-35 12th crash during Alaska training flight
  • 29/01A PSA Airlines CRJ-700 collided with US Army H60 helicopter in Washington DC landing at Reagan Airport, killing 67
  • 07/02Embraer takes backlog to $26.3 Bn record
  • 06/02First six Mirage 2000-5 fighters arrive in Ukraine to reinforce the nine F-16s already in use with the Ukraine air force
  • 05/02Daher plans to start assembling TBM aircraft at its new Florida campus in 2027
  • 05/02Flexjet has signed a $7 Bn purchase agreement with Embraer covering the Brazilian Praetor 600, Praetor 500 and Phenom 300E business jets
  • 05/02French army receives its 63th and final NH90 Caiman in TTH utility standard
  • 04/02SpaceX Falcon 9 launches third pair of Maxar’s WorldVIEW Legion 30-centimeter resolution imaging satellites
  • 04/02Safran seals certification for ENGINeUS 100 electric motor
  • 02/02Japan launches Michibiki 6 navigation satellite with 5th MHI H3 rocket
  • 01/02Learjet 55 crashes after departing Philadelphia
  • 01/02Spirit AeroSystems stockholders approve Boeing acquisition plan
  • 30/01PSA CRJ700 hit by US Army Black Hawk as it aligned with approach to Washington National causing 67 deaths
  • 29/01India’s 1st launch of 2025 sends NVS-02 navigation satellite into orbit
  • 29/01South Sudanese crash of a chartered Beech 1900D crash has resulted in 20 fatalities, with a single survivor
  • 29/01In-flight malfunction caused F-35 12th crash during Alaska training flight
  • 29/01A PSA Airlines CRJ-700 collided with US Army H60 helicopter in Washington DC landing at Reagan Airport, killing 67
  • 07/02Embraer takes backlog to $26.3 Bn record
  • 06/02First six Mirage 2000-5 fighters arrive in Ukraine to reinforce the nine F-16s already in use with the Ukraine air force
  • 05/02Daher plans to start assembling TBM aircraft at its new Florida campus in 2027
  • 05/02Flexjet has signed a $7 Bn purchase agreement with Embraer covering the Brazilian Praetor 600, Praetor 500 and Phenom 300E business jets
  • 05/02French army receives its 63th and final NH90 Caiman in TTH utility standard
  • 04/02SpaceX Falcon 9 launches third pair of Maxar’s WorldVIEW Legion 30-centimeter resolution imaging satellites
  • 04/02Safran seals certification for ENGINeUS 100 electric motor
  • 02/02Japan launches Michibiki 6 navigation satellite with 5th MHI H3 rocket
  • 01/02Learjet 55 crashes after departing Philadelphia
  • 01/02Spirit AeroSystems stockholders approve Boeing acquisition plan
  • 30/01PSA CRJ700 hit by US Army Black Hawk as it aligned with approach to Washington National causing 67 deaths
  • 29/01India’s 1st launch of 2025 sends NVS-02 navigation satellite into orbit
  • 29/01South Sudanese crash of a chartered Beech 1900D crash has resulted in 20 fatalities, with a single survivor
  • 29/01In-flight malfunction caused F-35 12th crash during Alaska training flight
  • 29/01A PSA Airlines CRJ-700 collided with US Army H60 helicopter in Washington DC landing at Reagan Airport, killing 67
  • 07/02Embraer takes backlog to $26.3 Bn record
  • 06/02First six Mirage 2000-5 fighters arrive in Ukraine to reinforce the nine F-16s already in use with the Ukraine air force
  • 05/02Daher plans to start assembling TBM aircraft at its new Florida campus in 2027
  • 05/02Flexjet has signed a $7 Bn purchase agreement with Embraer covering the Brazilian Praetor 600, Praetor 500 and Phenom 300E business jets
  • 05/02French army receives its 63th and final NH90 Caiman in TTH utility standard
  • 04/02SpaceX Falcon 9 launches third pair of Maxar’s WorldVIEW Legion 30-centimeter resolution imaging satellites
  • 04/02Safran seals certification for ENGINeUS 100 electric motor
  • 02/02Japan launches Michibiki 6 navigation satellite with 5th MHI H3 rocket
  • 01/02Learjet 55 crashes after departing Philadelphia
  • 01/02Spirit AeroSystems stockholders approve Boeing acquisition plan
  • 30/01PSA CRJ700 hit by US Army Black Hawk as it aligned with approach to Washington National causing 67 deaths
  • 29/01India’s 1st launch of 2025 sends NVS-02 navigation satellite into orbit
  • 29/01South Sudanese crash of a chartered Beech 1900D crash has resulted in 20 fatalities, with a single survivor
  • 29/01In-flight malfunction caused F-35 12th crash during Alaska training flight
  • 29/01A PSA Airlines CRJ-700 collided with US Army H60 helicopter in Washington DC landing at Reagan Airport, killing 67
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Drone video - Paris Airshow (part2)
Published by ASDS MEDIA
3743 149
Jun 2019
Exclusive video images from the ASDS MEDIA drone at the Paris Air Show 2019: Embraer 195-E2,...
Global 7500 of K5-Aviation
Published by Bombardier
1841 8
May 2019
K5-Aviation to debut Bombardier Global 7500 to worldwide charter market.
Bombardier Global 7500
Published by Bombardier
5554 84
May 2018
The Bombardier Global 7500 aircraft stands alone as the world's largest and longest range...
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